TPS 18
Town Planning Scheme 18 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA
The structure plan shall provide for a variety of residential, tourist and ancillary development, with particular regard to providing for a range of economic groups. Tourist Development proposals should have due regard to the guidelines of the Environmental Protection Authority and WA Tourism Commission.
The structure plan shall show an ultimate development that provides similar tourist opportunities and no more than the number of residential lots existing in the present Prevelly Park townsite as existing in its gazetted form at the time of the gazettal of this clause unless otherwise considered appropriate by Council in the light of social, environmental, topographical, servicing and visual impact considerations, up to a maximum of 243 lots inclusive of the R20 residential subdivision proposed at the northern end of Location 815.
Suggested development guidelines.
The Original Spirit of the proposed Gnarabup development.
Published speech in the AMR Mail by Councillor West on July 31 1991 and then ingrained into TPS18. This has now been perverted by uncontested Lawyers Interpretations.
A minor, low key expansion of Prevelly has clearly been the expectation for the last 20 years.
Assuming minor to be no larger than the existing townsite we can use the size/scale of Prevelly to define our input into the guidelines.
For example Councils only criterion in these guidelines could be ”the development zone may provide a similar lot yield and similar tourist opportunities as the present townsite and be located in those areas identified elsewhere in the guidelines as most suited to development.”
The structure plan shall provide for a variety of residential, tourist and ancillary development, with particular regard to providing for a range of economic groups. Tourist Development proposals should have due regard to the guidelines of the Environmental Protection Authority and WA Tourism Commission.
The structure plan shall show an ultimate development that provides similar tourist opportunities and no more than the number of residential lots existing in the present Prevelly Park townsite as existing in its gazetted form at the time of the gazettal of this clause unless otherwise considered appropriate by Council in the light of social, environmental, topographical, servicing and visual impact considerations, up to a maximum of 243 lots inclusive of the R20 residential subdivision proposed at the northern end of Location 815.
Suggested development guidelines.
The Original Spirit of the proposed Gnarabup development.
Published speech in the AMR Mail by Councillor West on July 31 1991 and then ingrained into TPS18. This has now been perverted by uncontested Lawyers Interpretations.
A minor, low key expansion of Prevelly has clearly been the expectation for the last 20 years.
Assuming minor to be no larger than the existing townsite we can use the size/scale of Prevelly to define our input into the guidelines.
For example Councils only criterion in these guidelines could be ”the development zone may provide a similar lot yield and similar tourist opportunities as the present townsite and be located in those areas identified elsewhere in the guidelines as most suited to development.”